Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baker is finally out of the "Shit Hole"

As some of the readers might noticed, there were no posts in May 2010. It's because Baker finally got his transfer out from his office. Therefore he was busy packing his stuffs and moving to a new office in the whole month of May.

Tales of Idiotic Boss (Part 29)

One month ago, Baker has finally left his "shitty" office in Kuala Lumpur back to this hometown...

So one day at his old shitty office...

Scene 1:
Big Boss: "Who approved this programme?!!! I don't know a damn thing about it!!"
Boss: "Boss....Baker said...... u approved it."

Scene 2:
Janitor: "Who nvr flush the toilet?"
Boss: "It's Baker"

Scene 3:
James: "Darn! It's raining again."
Boss: "It's Baker's fault"

Scene 4:
Security: "Who never shut the emergency door?"
Boss: "Yesterday, I saw Baker open this door and never shut it back"

Scene 5:
Boss: "Damn, some of my shit stuck on my skirt. It's Baker's fault!"

Scene 6:
Boss' Son: "Mom, where does baby comes from?"
Boss: "It's Baker's fault"

  • You can put the blame on your subordinate when he is already left the office. However, not everybody might believe you.
  • Be responsible already!!
  • Blaming game will make you look stupid.